Hello fredvs,

you wrote on Mon, 6 May 2019 14:21:37 -0700 (MST):

> Nice that it works now!
> Yes, it is because a **very** old fpc bug.
> Even using "-B" (build all) fpc does not clean all previous compiled
> files. One of the cause is because fpc forget the included files {$I
> something.inc}.

I was even aware of such an issue, but I overlooked the fact that msei18n
creates some modules within the language directories, and I didn't clean up
those properly. I did it for the first one, but then it failed on the
second one... Only after cleaning up all of them did it work correctly.

> > Now, this leaves the question where to put this compiler switch.  
> If you use the graphic msei18n application
> (/mseide-msegui/tools/msei18n/), click on the "Edit" menu-button.
> By default, the needed parameters are added.

Yes, this might be a good place - but only if the settings are inherited by
new projects as well. if this worked, it should even be placed there by

> Could you give the script that you are using for compiling?

No script used here, just the built-in compiler call plus the "-fPIC"
additional switch.
But my extensions for command-line control also seem to work now, after a
minor modification concerning closing the message window. I didn't make it
omit the GUI completely, because I intended to use it as a "tool", called
from the IDE's "tools" menu. I commonly use two other entries, a "strip"
call (for Linux) and a "clean" script that removes the host of compiler
intermediate files (.o, .ppu and such).

you wrote on Mon, 6 May 2019 14:33:38 -0700 (MST):

> Those switches are needed for Unix but ignored with Windows.
> If I remember ok, with fp 2.6.4 it was not needed.

Ok, then it won't cause any troubles on windows. Android (if used there at
all, or is this a cross compiler only?) might be another matter.

BTW, what about usage of this list? It seems to be dead & gone, except for
your replies and my desperate postings here...
Should I better use the (new) nabble one? Then I ought to find out how to
register there using a non-existent utility that isn't shown...

Thank you for your reply. I will try to upload the modified msei18n project
(and the other ones I mentioned before) when I'll found how to do this -
none of my attempts up to now seem to have succeeded, not even a direct
email to you...

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