Hello fredvs,

as announced in another message, and as I recently updated my homepage
anyway, I put the utilities  I mentioned before and the extended msei18n
files on my homepage for download. The URL for download is
<www.schs.de/download/mse/{filename}>, where {filename} can be one of these:

  CalcPad.zip           the edit field and entry pad calculator
  FileRequest.zip       a free standing file requester for script use
  Keywatch.zip          a key code decoder and display for X11
  i18n_4.6.2.zip        the msei18n program with command line control,
                        based on the latest released version 4.6.2
  i18n_master.zip       same, but based on a recent GIT master issue

You can get the files from there and see what you can do with them. The
utilities can be used freely, which also means that I am free of any
responsibility for anything done with them. I won't bother to care about
them in any way, either.
The same applies to the msei18n modifications, with the exception that I
may respond to questions about their function and suggestions to extend
them, as the versions provided are based on an old implementation that I
created for my own use only.

Now that you have a way to get at the stuff, see what you can do with it.
It would be great if something useful could be made of it.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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