On 12/10/2011 09:46 AM, Wahono wrote:
> Strange!
> I know where the problem come from.
> I use event oncellevent, when I call iscellclick(info,[ccr_dblclick]), the 
> problem is got. But after I remove iscellclick(info,[ccr_dblclick]), that is 
> OK.
> procedure tfrmfindsalesorderidfo.wgrid_oncellevent(const sender: TObject;
>                var info: celleventinfoty);
> begin
>  if iscellclick(info,[ccr_dblclick]) then begin
>   addselection(tpopupmenu1);
>  end else if iscellkeypress(info,key_space,[],[]) then begin
>   addselection(tpopupmenu1);
>  end;
> end;
iscellclick() sets es_processed in key event info if it returns true by
key press.
Please use


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