I've been successful at formatting the floppies using fmsx-dos, copying
programs using windows explorer (or just straight extracting lzh files onto
the floppy, using dos version of LHA), then reading them on a real MSX.
Worked for me 100% of the time, without any additional software.
-- ak
I have no problem at all with reading and writing under Windows 95 and 98 SE
of 720K floppies on all my PC's. My favorite progam is diskmanager
http://www.need.it/~rumsx/software.html, and the explorer works fine too
Even 360K work fine with diskmanager.
Make sure to format the floppies in t
I 've little problem with those damned PC's! Both
my PC's have problems with 720Kb floppy's. I use Windblows 98second eruption. I
want to put diskimages and other programs on floppy's to be used on MSX, but
when writing to the floppy's I get bleu screens "Error writing to disk" Anyone