Seems like there is a lot of misunderstanding and
disinformation on this list about how badtrans really
So I thought I would write and clarify as it  is
useful to understand what is happening if you do
become infected as my computer was some time ago.

Firstly the virus can execute automatically on some
versions of Outlook Express (probably the ones that
ship with windows!) regardless of whether you have
open attachments in preview pane turned on or off. The
virus spoofs the mime type so that it appears to
outlook to be a .txt file or something similar, then
outlook decides it is just  a harmless text file and
opens it for you in the preview pane. However the
filename is not really .txt (as it appears in OE) but
.pif or something and as soon as windows sees it it
executes it. This is nothing to do with any windows
settings such as hide known file extensions, its just
a feature of outlook express and there is no way to
turn it off, short of upgrading or patching your copy
of OE.

Secondly the virus does NOT mail to people in your
Outlook Express address book, its very clever and
e-mals people in your mail folders from whom you have
unread messages. If it mailed people from your address
book it would be much more limited in who it could
mail and also it would tend to stay within the same
groups of people,. Mailing people you have unread
mails from means it can target people who have posted
to mailing lists, without even having to send a virus
to the mailing list itself! Thus it can spread itself
very wildely. I have only ever once been sent a virus
before badtrans. I have recieved the badtrans virus
getting on for about 10 times now.

Basically the virus can arrive and execute with no
human intervention whatsoever. I caught the virus by
clicking on my inbox. The last message in my inbox had
the virus. As it was the last message in my inbox, it
opened automatically.

The virus does not seem to mail from the default mail
account as is often said. On my computer it mailed
from an account that I don't use and set up for
someone else. It was the first account in the list of
acccount. I was able to disable the virus from mailing
by setting the smtp setting to a smtp server that I
couldn't access from the isp I was on.
This stopped the virus from mailing people.

Now it's very easy to be all smug about people who
leave themselves unprotected sitting on your nice
secure computer but for some people it's not so easy
to run a virus checker or suchlike. I'm quite limited
on diskspace usually, but having recently re-installed
windows on that machine, I had some space, so I
attempted to install Norton AntiVirus, unfortunatley,
I only have a 9600 baud connection. Norton AntiVirus
wanted to download 3mb in virus definition files. A
friend of mine downloaded the virus definition files
on his cable modem and gave them to me. Norton
AntiVirus succesfully detected the virus, and cleaned
the computer somewhat but wasn't able to actually kill
the virus completlely because it obviously can't
delete your system files that make the computer work.

Ironically someone e-mails me and told me about a
program on the symantic (makers of NAV!) site that was
only 120k in size and completely cleaned my computer
of this virus!

NAV is still useful tho, because whenever this
attachment arrives and is executed again, it deletes
the file before it causes any real damage.

For the record, if someone leaves their door open and
sombody walks in and takes something, then I do think
they have a right to feel aggreved. Just as it is
wrong for someone to be stabbed to death who lives on
the street without any doors (or windows ;)  *groan!*)

I was really worried when my computer caught the
virus. I knew that I could clean up my computer and it
wouldn't be that big of a problem,. But I was really
worried about friends that I know who have no
protection from the virus, and wouldn't know what to
do or have the resources to do anything. People
running very low spec hardware on which they would be
unable to fit a virus checker. I was very thankful to
discover that my friends mail server was itself
protected with anti virus software so the mail just
bounced back to me.

So alls well that ends well.
Ironically I've was just planning to move all my mail
and intenet access to linux on my old laptop. I'm even
more keen to do this now. I think the most simple
answer for people who cant run antivirus software for
whatever reason, or who can't afford it, is to run a
different mail client that OE or outlook or anyhting
from MS. Then as long as they are careful about what
attachments they open, they should be safe.

Hope everyone manages to clean their computers okay.
wish I had the link to that symatec file to hand. It's
really good. :)



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