Hello folks,

just to announce that Compass 2.0.00 is not finished yet; I'll do my
best to release the Real thing before 2000 :-)

All works except the editor; so it is not possible to assemble either...
The new features of the monitor (I/O monitor) and debugger (shelling,
userscreen, etc...) are already very useful, so we've decided to release
this as a betaversion on the Bussum fair. It will be on a new
nice-labeled disk.

Of course we will still sell Compass #1.2 and an update for current
users to version 1.2.09 will be available. (So bring your original 1.2
disk along!) (INCLUDE-bugs fixed,
macro-with-more-than-1-parameter-sometimes-crashed-bug fixed)

Other stuff at CTNG's place:

*Final release of our new puzzlegame SandStone (and also containing a
hidden demopart....) It's really addictive !!!

*Who is intrested can copy the most recent IDE software from my hd.

*Demonstration of the new Compass 2.0 features

CU all Saturday,

Jon of Compjoetania The Next Generation

PS. Compassusers who can't come to the fair, will receive the upgrade
and betaversion by email.
PPS. This summer I've also removed some remaining, serious hardwarebugs
from the IDE interface. A new IDE series with the new design will be
sold at the stand of Sunrise.

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