Hello !
I have sent the following suggestions to Ikeda :

1) I prefer speak about an emulator (and not a player) for two reasons :
- eveybody knows what an emulator is
- MSX is an homecomputer, it's for playing games (like the consoles), but also for other applications, and therefore the word "player"is too restrictive
2) I suggest the name "INFINITY" for the ASCII MSX emulator, because MSX is really an homecomputer like any other one (except maybe the Amiga, but the stories of these two computers are parallels) : who should have think that after 10 years of underground life, MSX should be alive and could have a great future (with the MSX 3 on the horizon !!!) ? I think that the life of the MSX is whitout limits ... why not "INFINITY" as name for the ASCII emulator ?

Wa are on the way to the MSX 3 !!!

Benoît "Le Martien" - http://www.marsupone.com -
Non à l'homme de Cro-Magnon !
Ecoutez la musique en toute liberté !
Redécouvrez les plaisirs de l'ordinateur MSX !

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