[Extended Deadline] Special Issue on "Multilingual Representations for NLP"
of Natural Language Processing Research [NLPR]


Submission Deadline: 5 April 2021

About the Journal

Natural Language Processing Research (NLPR, eISSN: 2666-0512) is an
international, peer-reviewed, open access journal covering all disciplines
of computational linguistics and natural language processing. The journal
provides a platform for original high-quality papers that deepen our
understanding of the fundamental questions in these fields. This journal is
supported by an active advisory and editorial team of renowned experts in
this field covering US, Europe and Asian countries, including Prof. Emily M.
Bender from University of Washington, and Prof. Chengqing Zong from Chinese
Academy of Sciences, etc.

Aims and Scope:

Editorial Board:


About the Special Issue

Guest Editors:  

Steffen Eger - Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany 

Li Dong - Microsoft Research, China

Chi-kiu Lo - National Research Council, Canada

Gözde Gül Şahin - Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany 

Johannes Bjerva - Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark

Pushpak Bhattacharyya - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

Aims and Scope

Static and contextualized cross-lingual text representations have become
extremely popular in natural language processing (NLP) in the last decade,
since they enable text processing in multiple languages while having access
to labeled data in only a single one. Inducing multilingual text
representations also allows generalization of results beyond English, which
is a prerequisite for deeper understanding of capabilities and limitations
of NLP methodology - thus, multilingual representations serve as a better
testbed for claims of universality of NLP techniques. Aside from engineering
goals, cross-lingual representations are useful for research in linguistics,
e.g., they may allow to quantify distances between languages, also from a
historical perspective.

This special issue invites articles on all aspects of multi- and
cross-lingual text representations in NLP. Beyond standard zero-shot
cross-lingual text classification transfer, particular focus is on
challenging application scenarios of cross-lingual representations such as
using them as a basis for evaluation metrics in machine translation without
human references (reference-free evaluation metrics) and scenarios involving
(very) low-resource languages and highly distant language pairs. Analyses of
cross-lingual representations and novel benchmarks are furthermore of high
interest. Further main topics are listed below.

Original submissions as well as substantial extensions of submitted
conference papers are welcome.


Main topics and quality control 

Main topics include, but are not limited to:

*       evaluation metrics for MT based on cross-lingual representations
("reference-free evaluation")
*       evaluation of cross-lingual representations for low-resource
languages and highly-distant language pairs
*       explainability and interpretability of multi- and cross-lingual
*       Novel analyses of cross-lingual and multilingual representations
*       Measuring language similarity from cross-lingual representations
*       Predicting missing typological features from multilingual
*       Extending representations to new languages and tasks with minimal
*       self-supervised cross-lingual representation learning
*       zero-shot or few-shot cross-lingual transfer for language
understanding and generation
*       automatic large-scale multilingual corpus mining
*       cost-effective annotation for multilingual applications
*       resources for training or evaluating cross-lingual representations
*       novel cross-lingual and multilingual benchmarks 


Full papers will be subject to a strict review procedure for final selection
to this special

issue based on the following criteria:

1. Quality and originality in theory and methodology of the special issue.

2. Relevance to the topic of the special issue.

3. Application orientation which exhibits originality.

4. If there is an implementation, the details of the implementation must be

5. Extended papers must contain at least 40% new material (qualitative)
relative to the conference paper.


Important Dates

Submission of papers:                                  5, April 2021

Notification of review results:                        5, May 2021

Submission of revised papers:                        22, May 2021

Notification of final review results:               6, June 2021


If you need more time to prepare your submission, please contact
<mailto:xin....@atlantis-press.com> xin....@atlantis-press.com 

Submit your paper

All papers have to be submitted via the Editorial Manager online submission
and peer review system. Instructions will be provided on screen and you will
be stepwise guided through the process of uploading all the relevant article
details and files associated with your submission. All manuscripts must be
in the English language.


To access the online submission site for the journal, please visit
https://www.editorialmanager.com/nlpr/default.aspx. Note that if this is the
first time that you submit to the Natural Language Processing Research, you
need to register as a user of the system first.


NOTE : Before submitting your paper, please make sure to review the
journal's  <https://www.atlantis-press.com/journals/nlpr/author-guidelines>
Author Guidelines first.

Introduction of the guest editor(s)

Steffen Eger 

E-mail:  <mailto:e...@aiphes.tu-darmstadt.de> e...@aiphes.tu-darmstadt.de

Dr. Eger is Independent Research Group Leader at Technische Universität
Darmstadt, Germany. He has broad interests in deep learning for NLP, in
particular in deep learning for argument mining, as well as cross-lingual
and cross-temporal approaches. His recent research interests further include
evaluation of text representations and evaluation metrics for text
generation systems. He has published more than 20 papers in the last 4 years
in the lead NLP conferences EMNLP, ACL, NAACL, and COLING. He was Program
Chair Assistant at ACL 2018, and serves as Area Chair for EACL 2021. He was
an organizer of the 1st and 2nd Eval4NLP workshop in EMNLP 2020 and 2021,
which deals (a.o.) with mono- and cross-lingual text representations in the
context of evaluation metrics.

Gözde Gül Şahin 

E-mail:  <mailto:sa...@ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de>

Dr. Gözde Gül Şahin is a postdoctoral researcher in the Ubiquitous Knowledge
Processing (UKP) Lab in the Department of Computer Science, Technische
Universität Darmstadt, Germany. Her research spans over the fields of
natural language processing and machine learning. In particular, her
research interests include computational semantics and deep learning for
multilingual and low-resource settings. She has completed her PhD on
semantic analysis of morphologically rich languages in Istanbul Technical
University (İTÜ) Computer Engineering department. During her PhD studies,
she has visited the Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation (ILCC)
of University of Edinburgh. She has published in top-tier NLP and AI
conferences and journals (e.g., ACL, EMNLP, AAAI, NAACL, CL). She is the
co-organizer of 1st Workshop on Multilingual Representation Learning at
EMNLP 2021, that has a focus on advancing generalization in low-resource

Li Dong

E-mail:  <mailto:lido...@microsoft.com> lido...@microsoft.com

Dr. Li Dong is a Senior Researcher in Natural Language Computing Group at
Microsoft Research, where he works on large-scale language model
pre-training. Prior to joining Microsoft, Li studied at University of
Edinburgh, and Beihang University. Li served as Area Chair for EMNLP-19,
EMNLP-20, NAACL-21, ACL-21, and Senior PC for IJCAI-21. Li received the
ACL-18 Best Paper Honourable Mention Award and was honoured as a runner-up
in the 2019 AAAI/ACM SIGAI Doctoral Dissertation Award.

Chi-kiu Lo

E-mail:  <mailto:chikiu...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca> chikiu...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca

Dr. Lo is a Research Officer in the Multilingual Text Processing team of the
Digital Technologies Research Centre at the National Research Council
Canada. Her research interest is multilingual natural language processing
with particular focus on semantics in machine translation (MT), its quality
evaluation and estimation. She designed a unified MT quality evaluation and
estimation metric, YiSi, that correlated the best or statistically tied for
the best with humans in 34 of 36 evaluation sets at the Fourth Conference on
Machine Translation (WMT-19) metrics shared task. Lo was an organizer of the
Inuktitut-English news translation shared task at the WMT-20. She also
served as the co-chair for the diversity and inclusion committee in EMNLP-19
and the area co-chair for machine translation and multilinguality in ACL-20.

Johannes Bjerva 

E-mail:  <mailto:jbje...@cs.aau.dk> jbje...@cs.aau.dk

Dr. Johannes Bjerva is a tenure-track assistant professor affiliated with
the Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University (Campus Copenhagen),
Denmark. He has served as area chair for EACL-21 and has published in
top-tier NLP / AI conferences and journals (e.g., ACL, EMNLP, EACL, AAAI,
NAACL, CL). His research generally deals with under-resourced languages, by
combining linguistic typology with parameter sharing via multilingual and
multitask learning. For the past few years, he has investigated
computational typology and answering typological research questions. Most
recently, he organised a shared task on the prediction of typological
features in WALS, hosted by SIGTYP.

Pushpak Bhattacharyya 

E-mail:  <mailto:p...@cse.iitb.ac.in> p...@cse.iitb.ac.in

Prof. Bhattacharyya is Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Department IIT Bombay. Prof. Bhattacharyya's research areas are Natural
Language Processing, Machine Learning and AI (NLP-ML-AI). Prof.
Bhattacharyya has published more than 350 research papers in various areas
of NLP. Author of the textbook 'Machine Translation', Prof. Bhattacharyya
has shed light on all paradigms of machine translation with abundant
examples from Indian Languages. Two recent monographs co-authored by him
called 'Investigations in Computational Sarcasm' and 'Cognitively Inspired
Natural Language Processing- An Investigation Based on Eye Tracking'
describe cutting edge research in NLP and ML. Prof. Bhattacharyya is Fellow
of Indian National Academy of Engineering (FNAE) and Abdul Kalam National
Fellow. For sustained contribution to technology he received the Manthan
Award of the Ministry of IT, P.K. Patwardhan Award of IIT Bombay and VNMM
Award of IIT Roorkey. He is also a Distinguished Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur.



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