I see the issue in the current code:

1. The current code assumes that if you use the MTT database reporter, you can 
reach the database.  One of the first things it does is ping the server to 
ensure that it's reachable.  The rationale is that you don't want MTT to run 
for a long time and then find out that you can't reach the database to submit 
your results.

2. mtt-relay can certainly be used, but not all sites permit using such a 
thing.  Ditto with an ssh tunnel.

3. Looking at the code, it's probably possible to allow the INI file to specify 
no URL but specify a $debug_filename, and in such cases, ignore some of the 
database-submit code.  E.g.:
   - Skip this block 
   - Skip this block 
   - Modify this conditional 

I'm afraid I don't have the cycles to look deeper into this at the moment, but 
this is where I would start.

> On Oct 23, 2015, at 12:20 AM, George Bosilca <bosi...@icl.utk.edu> wrote:
> If you are able to connect (assuming ssh) to the nodes that will execute the 
> tests, why can’t you simply use an ssh tunnel to contact the IU server ?
>   George.
>> On Oct 23, 2015, at 00:08 , Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>> I was thinking about this, and I believe it would require a change to the 
>> mtt client to avoid it. I’m working on a new Python-based version of it, and 
>> I’ll make sure to deal with this there.
>> In the interim, I’ll have to defer to some old, gray Perl guru to update the 
>> current client
>>> On Oct 22, 2015, at 9:23 AM, Howard Pritchard <hpprit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Folks,
>>> I don't seem to have gotten subscribed yet to mtt-users mail list so
>>> forwarding to the dev team.
>>> Howard
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Howard Pritchard <hpprit...@gmail.com>
>>> Date: 2015-10-22 10:18 GMT-06:00
>>> Subject: mtt-submit, etc.
>>> To: mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>> HI Folks,
>>> I have the following issue with a cluster I would like to use for 
>>> submitting MTT results
>>> for Open MPI, namely, that the nodes on which I have to submit batch jobs 
>>> to run
>>> the tests don't have external internet connectivity, so if my mtt ini file 
>>> has a IU database reporter
>>> section, the run dies in the "ping the mtt server" test.
>>> What I have right now is a two-stage process where I checkout and 
>>> compile/build
>>> Open MPI and the tests on a front end which does have access to the mtt 
>>> server.
>>> This part works and gets reported back to IU database. 
>>> I can run the tests using mtt, but have to disable all the mtt server 
>>> reporter stuff.
>>> I thought I could use mtt-submit to submit some kind of mttdatabase debug 
>>> file
>>> back to IU once the batch job has completed, but I can't figure out a way
>>> to generate this file without enable the mtt server reporter section in the 
>>> ini file,
>>> and so back to the ping failure issue.
>>> Would anyone have suggestions on how to work around this problem?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Howard
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Jeff Squyres
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