Some possibilities:

1. Are you using exactly the same "mpirun"?
2. Did you have any special environment variables set (e.g., LD_LIBRARY_PATH) in one place and not the other?
3. Did you accidentally remove part or all of your scratch tree?

On Sep 26, 2007, at 7:04 PM, Ethan Mallove wrote:

DoCommand::Cmd() is returning successfully from my
funclet_file, and unsuccessfully from inside the main MTT
client. E.g.,

  Running command: mpicc -lmpi FZ2TaXqC0Q-hello.c
  Command complete, exit status: 0
     $x = $VAR1 = {
               'timed_out' => 0,
               'pid' => 21698,
               'result_stdout' => '',
               'exit_status' => '0'

I stuck the identical command into client/mtt, and here's
what happened:

  Running command: mpicc -lmpi FZ2TaXqC0Q-hello.c
  OUT:ld: fatal: library -lmpi: not found
  OUT:ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to
  Command complete, exit status: 1
     $x = $VAR1 = {
               'timed_out' => 0,
               'pid' => 8749,
               'result_stdout' => 'ld: fatal: library -lmpi: not found
     ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to a.out
               'exit_status' => '256'

Why am I getting two different outcomes from the same command?

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Cisco Systems

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