On 2023-04-01, Richard Dobson wrote:

"Introductory Digital Signal Processing With Computer Applications", Paul Lynn and Wolfgang Fuerst. [...]

I've never really coded myself, so no programming books. I've been on the side of the math. There, Oppenheim and Schafer's work, under the name "Digital Signal Processing", and "Discrete Time Signal Processing" caught my attention.

The best thing here was Oppenheim's doctoral work, turned into a monograph, and then a collaborative work with Schafer. It's just the best thing ever, because it led me into the Fourier quadrangle of 1) discreteness in time and 2) discreteness in frequency, from which come a) Fourier series, b) Fourier transform, c) Discrete time Fourier Transform, and d) Discrete Fourier Transform, of which all of the audio and visual compression algorigthms flow, as in Modified or Lapped.

Oh, and one of the best works there, not even now fully utilized, was the idea of "homomorphic signal processing". That one took a logarithm, as a homomorphism from the multiplicative domain to the additive, so that multiplicative problems could be solve additively. Like, you could suddenly take away general lighting by its spatial low frequency demenanor, from the high frequency lighting conditions of a picture.

This sort of theory has *never* been applied on this list, even if it could be.

The first edition (which I have) provided programs in Basic and Pascal.

I like Pascal too. It's been my basic language.

Of course Turbo Pascal, with its later object orientation. I actually in my early teens, over DOS-based Turbo Pascal, built up a basic windowing system. Trouble was, 1) I didn't know how to do anything but bitbashing and polling to the mouse, and 2) I didn't know how to optimally intersect windows for caret or pointer.

BTW neither did Microsoft in their early version of Windows, which is why the first versions lag aas much as they do.

You will likely want the Second Edition where these are in C. As I don't have that, I can't say whether or not they include code to draw figures as used in the book (FFT plots, impulse responses etc).

Perchance so, but personally I'd advocate for fundamental knowledge. It's highly useful productive to know your libraries, and far beyond what I know. However, knowing what *I* do, I'd argue, lets you learn this stuff and its libraries faster.

But - as far as I know this won't help you build .wav files. The unofficial "industry standard" for that is 'libsndfile' (GPL, should build fine under MinGW-64).

So it is. From Eric de Castro Lopo. He's also made it a point of making his library easy to use, and for it to separate concerns. Nice work, say I as well!
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - de...@iki.fi, https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__decoy.iki.fi_front&d=DwIBAg&c=009klHSCxuh5AI1vNQzSO0KGjl4nbi2Q0M1QLJX9BeE&r=TRvFbpof3kTa2q5hdjI2hccynPix7hNL2n0I6DmlDy0&m=alLQepd2QkizsAtFdXXCjnkN8Lk7bOv8rg_kPY_Oq3h1s-Yf8Rg_rzgxMTM08cm2&s=jcGCsUXeNrSs_JKnvRKCJIMa4-qFo7CIJ1Qd6yu54iw&e= +358-40-3751464, 025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2

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