Registration for WAC 2016 is now open.
To register, please visit

The 2nd Web Audio Conference (WAC) will be held April 4-6, 2016 at
Georgia Tech in Atlanta. WAC is an international conference dedicated to
web audio technologies and applications. The conference addresses
research, development, design, and standards concerned with emerging
audio-related web technologies such as Web Audio API, Web RTC,
WebSockets and Javascript. WAC welcomes industry engineers, R&D
scientists, academic researchers, artists, and students from fields such
as web development, music technology, computer music, and audio
applications. The first Web Audio Conference was held in January 2015 at
IRCAM and Mozilla in Paris, France. WAC 2016 is sponsored by the Georgia
Tech College of Architecture and by Dolby.

The keynote speakers for WAC 2016 are Helen Thorington and Frank
Melchior. The conference will feature over 75 papers, posters, talks,
demos, artworks, and musical performances, a plenary session with the
W3C working group on the Web Audio API, a hack session, tutorials, and
related activities.

The conference takes place at Georgia Tech, a major research university
located in midtown Atlanta, with convenient access from
Hartsfield-Jackson Airport (the busiest passenger airport in the world).
The conference venue, Georgia Tech’s Academy of Medicine, is listed on
the National Register of Historic Places and houses the chandelier seen
in the movie “Gone with the Wind.” The venue is a short walk to the
Georgia Tech campus, dining, shopping, nightlife, the conference hotel,
and the city’s main subway line.

Registration rates are as follows:
Early Bird Registration (by February 15th):
$250 regular registration
$100 student registration

Late Registration (after February 15th):
$400 regular registration
$200 student registration

For all accepted papers, posters, talks, demos, artworks, and
performances, at least one author must register for and attend the

The WAC 2016 organizing committee plans to award a small number of
travel and registration grants. The grants will waive registration fees
and cover a portion of travel expenses for recipients.

To be eligible for consideration for a travel grant, you must:
- have a paper, poster, talk, demo, artwork, and/or performance accepted
for presentation at WAC 2016
- belong to a population that is underrepresented in the WAC community
- not have attended WAC 2015
- not have financial support from your institution to attend WAC 2016

To apply for a travel grant, write a one-page letter of application that
confirms your eligibility, describes how attendance at WAC 2016 will be
of benefit to you and to any communities and/or organizations you are
involved in, and includes your contact information and origin city for

Travel grant applications are due by *February 1st, 2016* and should be
sent as a PDF attachment to
Alexander Lerch

Assistant Professor, GT Center for Music Technology
dupswapdrop: music-dsp mailing list

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