On 09/06/2013 12:25 AM, Tom Crocker wrote:
> Hi Mike
> Good question and I'm not sure if I know the answer. While it's possible
> that the difference in guidance is some legacy of NGS, it's also
> possible that SPY is not seen as an error, because it's still
> capitalised so it's still an acronym. Whereas Spy would be an error.
> Similarly, the addition of a space in a deliberately compound word is an
> error. So I think SPY is more about style than error, unless you know
> S.P.Y is precious about the dots. But that's all a guess. Perhaps warp -
> who did a good job converting the guidance for NGS - can say?

Thanks :)

I don't have any particularly useful opinion on this topic.

I believe that whether a particular inconsistency is an error or 
intentional is something you cannot know without asking the artist.  But 
often we cannot simply ask the artist or even if we can the artist 
probably doesn't care.

To some extent you can then look at what communities around particular 
artists or genres prefer.  Some communities care about little variations 
in capitalization or punctuation a lot more than other communities, so 
for those genres I am more likely to assume a variation is intentional 
and should be preserved.  There's also genres where typically a lot less 
care is put into back cover tracklists and such, so such releases just 
have a lot more errors, and I am more likely to assume a variation is 
not intentional.

Similarly releases in which the artist did not have any direct 
involvement (leaks, bootleg releases, compilation albums, official live 
albums, etc..) will often have less care put into their packaging or 
iTunes metadata than an official release and any variation there I will 
usually assume is an error.

In the end, if you don't know if a variation is intentional or not, pick 
whichever you prefer and move on.  Probably most people don't care so it 
doesn't matter, if someone does care they can always change it later and 
argue their position in the edit note.

-- kuno / warp.

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