Apparently this didn’t make it onto the list the first time I sent it.

Forgive, the book. I try not to post too much because it ends up being a bit long, but as a lot  of the transliterations recently have been mine I think I should chime in.


I think we need an AR to bind transliterations and translations of the same album together currently so we can more easily combine them when we have full solution for multiple languages.


Transliterations and Translations (trans... albums) have been cropping up a lot on the edits recently.  And while many are mine even more are from new moderators wanting to flesh out the database with useful information.  I’ve seen first hand by adding an official album and a transliterated version that the transliterated version gets more attention and editing; considering MB is an English site, go figure.  And with a bit of quick scanning through these edits you’ll see that there’s a bit of confusion and debate as to how these should be handled.  Partly because a lot of the people voting and editing are new, but mostly because there’s no documentation and almost no official way to tie these together.



The issue has already been brought up on the mailing list a few times but nothing has ever come of it; so now that this is growing I think we need to come up with a solution.  The following threads are some of the best discussions thus far about the issue but are 6-12 months out of date.


Long and short of it is that there are more and more trans... albums going up, and under the current wiki rules for VirtualDuplicateRelease they are to be kept in the database.  This creates a lot of duplicate albums that need to be tracked and edited because if they are the same a change on one album should affect the others.  Some people’s answer to this is to eliminate trans... albums completely but I don’t think they’ll go away considering that:

1. The wiki currently approves or it

B. The database is already full of them

III. MB has a stated goal to have further internationalization so it’s not an “English Speaker Only” club.


Perhaps we can debate the issue of whether MB should have trans... albums, but on another thread.  This tread is about a solution to bring a little more order to the database rather than throwing it into further chaos.


Alexander Dupuy came up with an excellent summary of the issue and how to deal with it in on of the previous threads:


> In general, I see the roadmap for this aspect of i18n as follows


> 0. entry of transliterations - as Orion notes, there are a lot of these

> already for Asian artists, where they are the most useful/needed, and they

> will continue to be entered on an ongoing basis


> 1. addition of AR linktype for transliterations - the issues with clusters

> are tricky, but this seems the best way to go; some design is needed to

> coordinate with other "same as" type relationships (e.g. re-release,

> remaster, etc.)


> 2. elaboration of style guidelines for transliterations - there are some

> best practices, but it's true they haven't really been well codified


> 3. enhancement of album display to "hide" unwanted transliterations - this

> is part of a much larger project, which would be the follow-on to the

> artist page redesign, adding special display support for album-album AR

> links


> I anticipate a lot of griping from people who find transliterated entries

> "unreadable and simply wrong" until the final roll-out of step 3, but I'm

> convinced that this is the right direction for us to go.


#3 is the best and final solution but will take time to get something running; banning good information till then just creates a bigger workload later when we have a solution and MB becomes a truly international site.  There’s no reason to throw away good info right now just because we’re confused with what to do with it, or worse disagree with it because it doesn’t make the database “pretty”.  Remember the goal is the ultimate repository of music releases, not the most uniform but lacking site on the net.



#2 is really an ongoing process as we refine a standard for transliterations (which we desperately need).  Getting started now is great, but it’s more of an evolving side issue rather than a solution in itself.  We need guidelines for how trans... albums are represented if the official label doesn’t provide them; considering we still debate the language of foreign releases there’s obviously a lot of work to do but that’s a different discussion and a different issue.


#0 is happening no matter what and will continue to do so, it’s not so much a solution to the problem as it is the problem itself.  Some people may disagree with trans... albums but it’s an issue we’ll have to face eventually, the only question is do you want to ignore it now and let the problem grow and piss people off in the meantime?  Or do you want to come up with a solution now and have everything in place when MB will allow users to select a language and have all text and info displayed in that language?


#1 is the solution and what I’m proposing today.  By creating an AR for trans… albums we can clean up the database by grouping albums together.  This will make it easier to share modifications across albums, it will make it easier for people to find the version of the album they want, and it will make it easier to combine the albums together when we have a solution like is given in #3.


Whether you like translations or not I think everybody agrees that it would be better for identical albums to be tied together and ARs are the best way to this.  Plus with everything tied together there will be a lot more possibilities for our able-bodied programmers to solve some of the issues above and other issues around duplicate albums.  Such as having all info other than the title and track names between trans... albums locked together so that editing a release date in one album will auto correct the releases date in it’s identical counterparts.


As for the clustering problem, Don Redman mentioned a possible solution of a script that would search the database, make the missing recommendations to complete a cluster.  However I think the problem of AR clusters pales in comparison to the idea of multiple identical albums spread across different artists in the database, none sharing any identical information.


So what does everybody think?


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