On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 05:53:22 +0100, Brian Gurtler wrote:

yes, give the position to someone that has no spine and will back down
at any argument presented to them.
you know that i'm only confrontational when confronted.. and i believe
most people that don't have thier head in the coulds on IRC realize that
as well.

Just to clarify things. I did not feel attacked at all. And sorry, but I just cannot take it serious if anyone would call me spineless.

Regarding the Vacuum Cleaner:
Robert has set up a rule. IIUC the vacuum cleaner does not fulfill the condition of five albums it is used on. Unless this is the case, it will not be added.
I have nothing to do with this. It is Robert's decision which I respect.

Regarding "the currently accepted community decision making process":
Imagine just for a second that I had accepted the role of the deciding "Minister" that the community has inadvertedly tried to push upon me a month ago. I have now finished my studies and I will have less and less time to spend on MB. That would have created another 'power vacuum' in the style council.

That's not the way I do things. I am a sociologue and that means that I accept complexity when I see it. I do not try to simplify it to death (I know, this has its inconvenients, too). The Style Council needs a process that it will work by on its own. Not one that requires a lot of work from a single person.

Such processes evolve slowly. We have a couple of fragments of the process, but it is not complete yet. I know that this is annoying to a lot of people. Well, it is not to me, I am used to such fuzzyness. And within such a fuzziness you have to revise your steps every once in a while. I do this and I am frank about it.

So here is my latest change of course (just in case anyone is interested ;-P ): The issues that got fixed while I was away got fixed silently. No big official decision. Jut the guys that have been working on it that did it.

I wonder whether this is a good concept. It might work very well when combined with the request for veto thingie. And it might answer Brian's question
btw-- what exactly ARE the "qualifications" for the "position"?

IMO (which might differ from Robert's) in projects like MB authority gets assigned by merrit. From a pure psychological assesment, one might say that Mo is not the ideal person to maintain the instrument tree (NO offence meant! read on!), but he did a lot of work and *good* work. And this makes him the guy who has the most knowledge and (obviously) the best qualification to do this. This qualification does not need to be formalized. For example I once was The Wiki Warden, knowing every page of the wiki. These times have long gone.

The funny thing is that this system only works, when actual work gets done. If people do good work, you can judge their plans, comment on them, let them choose how much they will follow your comments, veto their concept if you think it is seriously broken (and/or you think you might do better), or let them go and implement it.

But the style council is blocked at the point where nobody comes to do any work. I think we need some goodwill and let people do stuff. This will mean that we will break some things, but hey, at least we will get some stuff done.

So (if you have read this far ;-) ) if you want to get a style issue fixed, (that is, you want to do the work). Propose your plans here, read the comments (if someone bugs you too much ask her/him if they want to do it instead), get your proposal running on test, ask for a veto, and 24 hours later, get over and done with it.

This will mean that you have to stay committed for about two weeks. I also suggest you stay in close contact with Robert and maybe me (if I am around :-)).

Oh, and don't everybody start at the same time now.


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