Frederic and I have has a few correspondences off list, and I am also
convinced that the Classical Style Guide needs updating to account for
"recital discs" - releases with one performer playing a variety of

His original language was:

"2 - Should specifically VA releases where the title puts a strong accent
on the performer be stored under the performer?"

Which drew immediate protests about "what is strong accent on the performer."

My proposed language would be: "Recitals by a particular artist: In cases
where a release contains works from multiple composers but all works are
attributable to a single group or performer, that group or performer may
be designated the ReleaseArtist, with each TrackArtist assigned to the
appropriate composer."

Using the modal verb "may" makes it flexible enough for people to use
their judgement, since, as has been pointed out, there are still
"in-between" releases out there that have multiple composers & a single
performer but still seem like VA (because there is basically *no* emphasis
on the performer.)

The problematic edit that inspired this conversation (moving a Hilary Hahn
Bach recording from Bach to Hahn) seems to be mostly rejected so far and
is not part of what I'm proposing here.  What I'm proposing here seems to
be an existing practice on MB which has drawn no protest that I've seen.


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