I don't like disagreeing with the general direction of anything MPD as
I'm not a devoper but I really hate our git.musicpd.org direction.

For the record, I (still) think we should move everything from
git.musicpd.org to repo.or.cz and redirect git.musicpd.org to
http://repo.or.cz/?by_tag=mpd. git.musicpd.org is far too unstable and
again, depending on others to make sure things work as expected is not
really good for the long term. repo.or.cz has worked at least since
the beginning of 2007 afaik and there has only been one time it has
been down in my experience and that was just the git server (the
web/http interfaces continued working).  Not only that but it is
self-administrating (except for repo removal) which will help us all
just work and not waste our time with the details. And this is not an
"I told you so" but, for the record, I do think we jumped into this
too quickly, as I feared we would. Please consider this, weather or
not the stability of git.musicpd.org can be improved.

So, to break this down.

git.musicpd.org -> repo.or.cz/?by_tag=mpd

Pros/Cons over current situation:

Greater Stability
  - I do realize this can be improved with our current situation
Improved Community
  - Anyone can join without needing special handshake
Self administrating
  - No need to wait before beginning development
  - All program administration is already done. Seems to have been
pretty well perfected by now.

No real control
  - No real /need/ for control imho
Not really under the musicpd.org umbrella
  - Is this /really/ a con?
 "I've got a fever. And the only prescription is more cowbell." --
Christopher Walken

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