
Here's "the big one". mpd-0.14 released. More changes than you can
shake a stick at.

An amazing amount of changes. This isn't all of them, not by far.
Thanks to all the contributors and community at large.

Go get it:

Report bugs:

* audio outputs:
  - wait 10 seconds before reopening a failed device
  - fifo: new plugin
  - null: new plugin
  - shout: block while trying to connect instead of failing
  - shout: new timeout parameter
  - shout: support mp3 encoding and the shoutcast protocol
  - shout: send silence during pause, so clients don't get disconnected
* decoders:
  - ffmpeg: new plugin
  - wavpack: new plugin
  - aac: stream support added
  - mod: disabled by default due to critical bugs in all libmikmod versions
* commands:
  - "addid" takes optional second argument to specify position
  - "idle" notifies the client when a notable change occurs
* Zeroconf support using Bonjour
* New zeroconf_enabled option so that Zeroconf support can be disabled
* Stop the player/decode processes when not playing to allow the CPU to sleep
* Fix a bug where closing an ALSA dmix device could cause MPD to hang
* Support for reading ReplayGain from LAME tags on MP3s
* MPD is now threaded, which greatly improves performance and stability
* memory usage reduced by merging duplicate tags in the database
* support connecting via unix domain socket
* allow authenticated local users to add any local file to the playlist
* 24 bit audio support
* optimized PCM conversions and dithering
* much code has been replaced by using GLib
* the HTTP client has been replaced with libcurl
* symbolic links in the music directory can be disabled; the default
  is to ignore symlinks pointing outside the music directory
* idle command
|  (\_/)  This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny
| (='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
| (")_(") world domination.

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