So sprach »Fernan Aguero« am 2001-08-21 um 14:57:33 -0300 :
> folders (I'm using maildir for all of my mailboxes).
While on the topic of Maildir. I also just recently checked out Maildir
support in mutt 1.3.19i again. And, well, I'm not at all impressed :(
To test, I've converted a 50 MB mbox w
[Sorry for the slow reply. It took me a while to find time to create
the FAQ on this.]
On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 03:21:29PM -0400, Michael Sanders wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 08:02:25PM +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > But does this work with Mozilla (the current version is now 0.9.3)?
Thus spake Fernan Aguero ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Right now I can do s:Save on messages, but instead of moving them I
> end up with a copy of the message ...
Just as a side note, s:Save /should/ be doing a move, and C:Copy should
do a copy. That's odd...
[ ] -- Justin R. Miller - [EM
I'd like to be able to move messages from my inbox into several others
folders (I'm using maildir for all of my mailboxes).
Right now I can do s:Save on messages, but instead of moving them I
end up with a copy of the message ...
Also, I'd like to be able to move messages at will and not de
Thats what I started with (well, grey on black), but I'd really like
to end up with ugly-black-on-white. I can get that by seting my term
to something stupid, but unless it gets really stupid, I can't get
rid of the quote_regexp effects. Does unset quote_regexp work for
others, or is there a bug
Just remove all the color statements from your configuration files.
You should end up with ugly white-on-black. ;-)
On 2001-08-17 17:17:40 -0400, Adam Shostack wrote:
>Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 17:17:40 -0400
>From: Adam Shostack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Make it simple?
Sometimes by backspace executes but most times not.
- weird. I have been unable to bind this key though - other keys bind
Any advice?
Eric Smith
Chris Nestrud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello all. I'm trying to make a macro which will toggle between two
> sets of options. I'd either like it to ignore all headers, resulting
> in none being displayed when I view a message, or unignore the ones
> I'm interested in. I can't find anything l