On 04.11.11 09:44, Tim Gray wrote:
> The smart folders (saved searches) are pretty nice in my opinion and
> are very fast.  Coupled with a labels scheme such as the one you wrote
> about, you have something that competes with gmail/notmuch/sup without
> fooling around with IMAP standards or running an email client from
> within emacs.

The labels scheme is something which I too have been waiting for.
Many thanks for the work being done.

The saved searches puzzle me a bit, though. Done today, they'll be
incomplete tomorrow, after more incoming, and therefore not worth
preserving, even more so since they "are very fast" to recreate in
complete form.

Sorting the ~5% of posts which I keep, into categories has my mailbox
count at 991 today; 48 for mutt, 59 for vim, and 310 for a cnc list I'm
on. Really good stuff¹ goes into my >300 page extracranial memory - a
text file with search tags, now also with vim's folding enabled, so it
first presents as a single-page TOC.

So, in short, my experience is that information is more valuable if most
of it is discarded, and what remains is organised in advance. (Only one
variable is added to the discard/keep decision made when reading each
post, anyway.)


¹ i.e. personally relevant & useful. The file started out as "What works
for me, and I don't want to have to reinvent this next time I need it."

I can only reply that I arrived at it by experimenting until I found
something that works, and then stopping.    - Rick Moen, on luv-main

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