On 03Jun2013 15:18, christian ebert <blacktr...@gmx.net> wrote:
| * Erik Christiansen on Monday, June 03, 2013 at 23:41:59 +1000
| > On 03.06.13 14:30, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
| >> I'd like to search messages by recipient in my Sent-Folder, but at least my
| >> mutt install won't do it out of the box.
| > 
| > To do that, I just use:
| > 
| > / ~h some_recipient_name
| > 
| > OK, that looks in all the headers, but you probably want to check Cc: as
| > well, anyway? (And [s]he's not likely to crop up in many other headers,
| > so mucking with a tight regex doesn't seem warranted.)
| / ~C some_recipient_name
| looks in to: and cc:

And probably has the added advantage of being able to search entirely
in mutt's in-memory knowledge of the message headers; I thuink mutt
has to open and read messages if you ask to search all the headers.

On this topic, I've recently been very pleased to search messages
by address group. By transcribing my address db groups into mutt
alias commands of the form (example):

  alias -group abcshop abcshop ABC Shop News <shopn...@your.abc.net.au>, ABC 
Shop Web Server <abcshopord...@your.abc.net.au>, ABCShop Online 

I get both a mutt alias "abcshop" (not particularly useful in this
particular example) but also a mutt "group" named "abcshop". And
that means one can use the:

  %C abcshop

pattern to search for messages to/cc addresses in that group.

This is outstandingly useful if you've got groups representing your
employer or client companies and stuff like that; you can "l"imit
the mail view by one or more groups and then do further searching
or browsing.

I've got a macro named "LB" I use that limits to fairly comoplicated
pattern I use a lot when review my mail history in a particular
context. That pattern has been GREATLY simplified by using groups
(%C, %f) instead of individual address matches (~C, ~f).

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

The engine purrs beneath me with a purpose,
ready for the pleasure of my hand upon the throttle. - Peter Smith

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