On 28.04.17 13:22, Greg Hurrell wrote:
> Fun fact, pretty much every message in this thread looks terrible in Google 
> Inbox on iOS (and presumably Gmail on iOS) because the lines are all 
> hard-wrapped but too long to fit on the screen, leading to alternating long 
> (soft-wrapped) and short (hard-wrapped) lines. Looks nice in mutt, of course, 
> but less than 1% of the people I exchange email with are using that, so I 
> decided to set 'textwidth' to 0 in Vim, which means my emails have long lines 
> in them (gasp!) and mutt will automatically use quoted printable to format 
> them, which looks decent pretty much everywhere:

Impressive. Works well in mutt, too. But when it comes time to reply to
such niftiness, we might be better off hard wrapping it, to restore the
plaintext quoting - at least when multiple authors are quoted, or we
won't know what was written by Arthur, Martha, or Mo.
(Maybe the GUI world doesn't fuss much with attribution?)


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