On 2018-05-08 20:46, Derek Martin wrote:

> I dare say no one should want to work in Perl anymore...  It's such a
> horrible mishmash of a lanugage.  But C is probably not the best tool
> for this job either.  Python has modules for handling e-mail and for
> talking to bugzilla, and for my money it's way, way nicer to code in
> than Perl.

Since my nick on CPAN used to be THEDEVIL, let me be the devil's
advocate here.

I agree for anything on a "modern" scale - anything that takes more than
a main program file plus maybe a handful of helper modules.

But for certain class of jobs within this ancient scale, perl is still
best IMO.  I tentatively define this class as jobs whose string
wrangling plus system call parts dominate everything else.  Example:


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