On Sat, Jan 02, 2021 at 11:17:57PM -0500, Caleb M. wrote:
I'm trying to store my sent messages in my IMAP INBOX.Sent folder.
I tried this:

        set record="imaps://mx.sdf.org/INBOX.Sent"

Now when I send a message, mutt says:

        Create INBOX/Sent? ([yes]/no):

So mutt is replacing the "." with a "/".

I think I've seen Mutt get confused about this when $folder is set to something like
  set folder="imaps://mx.sdf.org/INBOX"

$imap_delim_chars is initially set to "/." and I think it tries to shorten $record to "=Sent", but later re-expand it, which adds the server delimiter of "/".

I would suggest trying
  set folder="imaps://mx.sdf.org/"
to see if that helps.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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