
> * Have you done anything unusual with your configuration? Why?

nope, I'd like to keep my configs as simple as possible. the basic
functionality is for me enough and I avoid possible conflicts eg. in key

> * What's your favorite thing about your mutt configuration? Why?

again: simplicity and a decent colour scheme. I can switch between two accounts 
with F2 and F3 and use lynx as a html-interpreter and abook for addresses that 
I don't use that often to put in the aliases file. that is about all.

> * If you could give three tips to a new user, what would they be?

stick to the basics unless and until you master the program and have
studied the manpages and documentation. most software is good as it is
when installed. maybe have some colour scheme (nick it somewhere) and
things to easily read incoming emails (handling html-mail is welcome
since a lot of other MUA use it)

that's all!


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