On Fri, Jun 07, 2024 at 05:53:36PM +0000, Andrew J. Caines via Mutt-users wrote:
> My DIY, RTFM/G/F and STFW efforts have failed me. I want to use folder-hook
> or the equivalent when opening a mailbox with "mutt -f =Name". The hook,
>   folder-hook  =Name  "set delete = yes"
> works when I change to =Name, but not when I launch mutt with that mailbox
> using "-f =Name". I am aware that I can add "-e 'set delete = yes'".
> Since this suggests I am trying to do this the wrong way, how should I do
> this using the configuration?

Since calling a folder-hook is not explicitly mentioned in the debug
output, I opened up a debugger and put a breakpoint in mutt_folder_hook.

It get's called as expected when I pass -f to mutt. I did not test it
with the '=' shortcut, but with an absolute path though.

Could you test it with '-f /path/to/Name', please?

Also, what version are you using?

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