I asked this on a local linux user list, and was advised
that perhaps mutt-users would be a better place to
ask it.  So, here's my question:

On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 08:30:40PM -0400, Brenda J. Butler wrote:
> I'm trying to use GPG via mutt, and I find there is an annoying
> two-second wait every time I hit a signed message in the index
> while GPG verifies if the signature is ok.  I'd like to turn off
> automatic verification, but I can't find the command to verify
> the signature "on demand".  Is there one?
> I'm not keen on setting pgp_verify_sig to ask-yes or ask-no,
> that's not much more efficient than just waiting 2 seconds
> for the check to be done.
> There is a command to verify the old-style PGP signature, I want
> a user-initiated command to verify if the GPG signature is ok.
> TIA.

I'm running mutt version 1.3.27i (2002-01-22) and gpg version 1.0.6,
both part of Debian 3.0 unofficial (cd made in March).

bjb at achilles dot net
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