
I just registered to this mailing list so i can finaly start using mutt.
I installed mutt-sidebar from the archlinux aur and got offlineIMAP to work.

Now when i start mutt i just get this one line followed by my prompt:
Sorting mailbox... Segmentation fault

My muttrc:


  set mbox_type   = Maildir               # mailbox type
  set folder      = ~/.mail/blut.hannesGMail # root folder
  set spoolfile   = "+INBOX"              # inbox
  set mbox        = "+archive"            # [Gmail]/All Mail
  set postponed   = "+drafts"             # [Gmail]/Drafts
  unset record                            # required to prevent
duplicates in Sent

  # mailboxes
  mailboxes +INBOX +archive +sent +drafts +spam +trash

  # bindings
  macro index D "<save-message>+trash<enter>"   "move message to the trash"
  macro index S "<save-message>+spam<enter>"    "mark message as spam"
  macro index E "<save-message>+archive<enter>" "move message to the archive"

  set sendmail            = /usr/bin/msmtp                # to use
msmtp 'default' account
  # main options
  set realname            = "Blut"                        # who am i?
  set from                = "blut.han...@googlemail.com"  # who am i?
  set envelope_from       = yes                           # which from?
  set mail_check          = 0                             # check for
mail always
  unset move                                              # gmail does that
  set delete                                              # don't ask, just do
  unset confirmappend                                     # don't ask, just do!
  set quit                                                # don't ask, just do!!
  unset mark_old                                          # read/new
is good enough for me
  set xterm_set_titles                                    # set my
title (muttng only?)

  # index options
  set sort                = threads                       # like gmail
  set sort_aux            = reverse-last-date-received    # like gmail
  set sort_re             = yes                           # thread
based on reply_regexp

  # pager
  set pager_index_lines   = 8                             # show 8
messages when in pager
  set pager_context       = 5                             # show five
lines when skipping in pager
  set pager_stop                                          # don't go
to next message automatically
  set menu_scroll                                         # scroll in menus
  set smart_wrap                                          # don't split words
  set tilde                                               # show
tildes like in vim
  unset markers                                           # no ugly plus signs

  # composing mail
  set fcc_attach                                          # save
attachments with the body
  unset mime_forward                                      # forward
attachments as part of body
  set forward_format      = "Fwd: %s"                     # format for
subject when forwarding
  set include                                             # include
message in replies
  set forward_quote                                       # include
message in forwards

  # headers to show
  ignore *                                                # ignore all headers
  unignore from: to: cc: date: subject:                   # show only these
  hdr_order from: to: cc: date: subject:                  # and in this order

  # muttng sidebar stuff
  set sidebar_delim       = ''
  set sidebar_visible     = yes
  set sidebar_width       = 15

  # sidebar bindings
  bind index,pager \CN    sidebar-next
  bind index,pager \CP    sidebar-prev
  bind index,pager \CO    sidebar-open

  set editor = "/usr/bin/vim +/^$"


And my .offlineimaprc

accounts = blut.hannesGMail
#ui = Curses.Blinkenlights
#ui = Noninteractive.Quiet
ui = Noninteractive.Basic

[Account blut.hannesGMail]
localrepository = blut.hannesGMailLocal
remoterepository = blut.hannesGMailRemote
autorefresh = 0
quick = 0

[Repository blut.hannesGMailLocal]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/.mail/blut.hannesGMail

[Repository blut.hannesGMailRemote]
type = Gmail
remoteuser = blut.han...@googlemail.com
remotepass = XXX
realdelete = no
ssl = yes
nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('.*Spam$', 'spam',
re.sub('.*Drafts$', 'drafts', re.sub('.*Sent Mail$', 'sent',
re.sub('.*Starred$', 'flagged', re.sub('.*Trash$', 'trash',
re.sub('.*All Mail$', 'archive', folder))))))

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