Hi, New mailing list user here. Sorry if this is a Dupe / FAQ.


I'm trying somewhat successfully to use markdown to format my emails.  
The method was covered here:

In short, when *composing* emails using markdown, it's possible to *send
them* nicely formatted by optionally running the message through pandoc
and changing the content-type to html. 

Pandoc mangles the stuff below my messages (e.g., the reply
thread), which is undesirable. 

I have an evolving description of the issue here:

One possible workaround is changing the way Mutt pre-populates the stuff
below my message (the On <date> <email> wrote: things) to include a
<pre> tag.

Is it possible to customize the way that Mutt pre-populates the reply
thread below the message when opening the compose screen?

If so, I would like to use this functionality to prepend a <pre> tag and
post-pend a </pre> tag so that pandoc doesn't ruin that part of the

However, other suggestions are most welcome. 


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