On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 09:25:18PM +0200, Cliff Sarginson wrote:

> > Various hooks are handled differently; send-hooks, IIRC, stop at the
> > first match.  Are you sure you've tried
> > 
> >   default
> >   duivel
> >   nl
> > 
> > in that order (sorry, but...)?  Nothing else looks out of the ordinary...
> Yes they are in that order.
> If I remove the normal Dutch signature, then my "duivel" signature is
> used as expected.
> Yup send hooks stop at the first match (I perused manual for any gotcha's)
> So... ??
> Bug ? (I am a programmer, and I am the last to cry "bug" ! lol)

Been using Mutt for ages but never played around with hooks (except the
basic fcc-save) before but recently started using send/folder hooks to
set various stuff. I had some problems at first with order, hooks over-
riding each other, etc. but finally got this configured and working.

FWIW, I found this in the docs (and it seems to work this way for me)

Usage: send-hook [!]pattern command 

This command can be used to execute arbitrary configuration commands based
upon recipients of the message. pattern is a regular expression matching the
desired address. command is executed when regexp matches recipients of the
message. When multiple matches occur, commands are executed in the order they
are specified in the muttrc. 

It doesn't appear they stop at the first match, I use this and it works for

send-hook . 'my_hdr From: Michael Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
send-hook @.*some.domain  'my_hdr From: ...'
send-hook @.*other.domain 'my_hdr From: ...'

If it did stop at the first match it'd never get any farther than the first
one which sets a default for all addresses. I don't know maybe I'm missing
something but it works for me.

Why look at the DOC's, nurses are better looking !!

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Admin - riverside.org                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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