On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Sean Rima wrote:

>Seriously OT but maybe not. I went on holiday and left vacation to answer my
>mail, however, it should not send any mail back to the list.
>I was unsubscribed from the list and I wanted to know if my vacation sent an
>auto-respond message.
>I only ask as I plan on putting it back on again this weekend and don't want
>it to send any messages back to the list/list-users.

IMNSHO, and speaking as a sysadmin, I'd love to remove the vacation
program from all my systems and give anyone that used it 50 lashes with
old brittle tri-leads.  It serves absolutely no useful purpose and causes
more problems that anything it was intended to solve.  PLEASE don't use
it!  Don't even try to fix it; it's too broken!

And I'm trying to use and like mutt but I just can't seem to wean myself
from the taste of turpentine.

Shane Castle             | "Perfection, then, is finally achieved, not
Boulder County Info Svcs | when there is nothing left to add, but when
Boulder CO USA           | there is nothing left to take away."
                         |                - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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