This is a follow up to an existing problem.

Using "=" shortcut in mailboxes works in general, but mailbox counts
show zero.

A work-around is to use the full imap URL:

Instead of:

    mailboxes \
        =moseley \

I can use:

    mailboxes \
        imaps://<IMAP server>/INBOX.moseley \
        imaps://<IMAP server>/INBOX.lists.mutt

I just updated to Ubuntu 8.10 with mutt 1.5.18 and the problem still
exists.  I also built from Mercurial just not and that does not work.
Seems 1.5.14 was the last time this worked.

The =lists.mutt format works in every other regard, just results in
zero counts.

Bill Moseley
Sent from my iMutt

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