Incoming from Kevin J. McCarthy:
> rj wrote:
> > 
> > macro index,pager  r  ":set editor='vim +10'^M{^M"  "reply with quoting"
> Great news that you figured it out!

I'm happy for you (him/her?) too.  I've suffered through a few
episodes like that of my own ("Why's this happening?!?").  However
(off-topic, sorry):

> macro index,pager  r  "<enter-command>set editor='vim +10'<enter><reply>"  
> "reply with quoting"

I'll probably never understand you vi(m) zealots.  Why do you need to
explicitly set editor=vim?  Or, are you just doing that to get the
"+10" functionality?  Why use a macro for that?  Wouldn't it be better
to stuff that into "set editor"?

Note, both EDITOR and VISUAL here are set to vi, but I use emacs for
anything bigger than a tweak to a short shell script (meaning, I like
and use both, but for different things):


   set editor="/usr/bin/emacsclient %s"


Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)                                                     :(){ :|:& };:
- -

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