
I recently upgraded from 1.2.5 to 1.3.27 and the only real annoyance has been
that mutt now asks for [yes]/no (or [no]/yes) when it really means [y]/n.  Take
the [no]/yes case, when I want to say yes, and type "y e s".  The y answers the
question, and then e sends the message to the editor, which isn't what I want.

I've been conditioned by emacs and other programs that simple y/n type
questions are presented with y/n type prompts.  If they actually spell (yes)/no
out in full then they require yes or no to be typed out in full.  (This is
useful for occasional questions that are too risky to be answered with a single
keypress.)  So when I see [no]/yes, it's really hard to only hit the first key.

(Searching the mailing list archives for "[yes]/no" was surprisingly useless.)

Fnord is that funny feeling you get when you reach for the Snickers
bar and come back holding a slurpee.  - alt.discordia
Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     http://astro.utoronto.ca/~reid/
PGP Key: http://astro.utoronto.ca/~reid/pgp.html

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