I have noticed some threads on another mailing list where the quoting via the "indent_string" character is not visible on some posts, making it difficult to keep track of "who said what".

This is apparently not caused by mutt's not displaying the thread correctly, since I see the same thing in the mailing list archive.

Here's a short example:


The second of the above has the message from the OP indented four columns to the right, but there is no trace of the usual '> '.

The ensuing messages from the OP all have the '> ' clearly marking the second poster's reply.

It appears that all messages posted by the second poster, are displayed likewise, leading me to suspect that it might be something in his setup, or the mailer he is using that cause this unusual behavior.

The messages in the above thread are otherwise nicely trimmed and articulate, but I've seen other cases in the past with 3-4 levels of quoting or more, where it quickly became quite difficult to make sense of what was being discussed.

In fact, this looks as if our second poster has set his "indent_string" or equivalent to space.

Since these messages are displayed the same way in a web browser I don't suppose that there is any way one could work around this in mutt?



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