Hi, thank you for your 3 responses. I've gone through your texts and
those are interesting and helpful.

    I do use a browser to read the html part when needed, like Grant and
    Andreas said.

    I press <Enter> to call w3m to view it. It's good for most of the
    cases, showing images as well if they are remote URLs.

    If it's not good enough, I press 'w'(a macro) to call Google Chrome
    to view it. It does a better job.

However, in this case I mentioned, it's about a message EMBEDDING many
INLINE images, which are not visible to the browsers.

    Why? Because the images are not saved to the filesystem together
    with the HTML part.

    A GUI mail client like Thunderbird does be able to deal with such a
    message and display the html message with those inline images
    inserted in the right places.

    This is why I have to save the WHOLE message and ask a mail client
    to look at it.

Christian's solution looks like doing the job I need, because it feeds
the MESSAGE to the viewhtmlmsg.

    Thank you. I like Python and expect to see it more (Most of the time
    I code in Perl). I'll give it a try, and report it later.

    (Googling 'viewhtmlmsg', I found some previous relevant discussions.)


On Sat, Sep 04, 2010 at 12:59:36PM +0100, Christian Ebert wrote:
> * Charles Jie on Saturday, September 04, 2010 at 18:40:43 +0800
> > I've been using mutt for 7 years. From time to time, such idea may flash
> > in my brain.
> >
> >    I can read most of my daily mail with mutt without problem.
> >
> >    But sometimes some friends may send me an html mail with pretty rich
> >    inline images. Such embedded images need to be seen in right
> >    context (there are related text arround them).
> >
> >    My current practice is bouncing the mail to another user in my linux
> >    box, and launch Thunderbird to get and read it.
> >
> > I'm wondering if it is possible for my mutt to copy the message to a
> > temporary mbox file, and launch a GUI mail viewer to view it. (the way a
> > little like what we do about attachment)
> >
> >    I've checked Thunderbird's command line usage. It accepts a URL
> >    (thunderbird -mail URL) but it doesn't treat it as mbox (but raw
> >    text).
> >
> >    Any idea or experience?
> Shameless plug:
> If you're not afraid of Python, you could try viewhtmlmsg of my
> muttils bundle. It seems to do what you want.
> $ viewhtmlmsg -h
> Usage: viewhtmlmsg [options]
> Displays html message read from stdin.  $BROWSER environment may be overridden
> with option "-b".
> Options:
>   --version             show program's version number and exit
>   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
>   -s, --safe            view html w/o loading remote files
>   -k KEEP, --keep=KEEP  remove temporary files after KEEP seconds (0 for
>                         keeping files)
>   -b APP, --browser=APP
>                         prefer browser APP over $BROWSER environment
> But it is mainly meant to be used from within Mutt via a macro:
> # call viewhtmlmsg from macro
> macro index,pager <F7> "\
> <enter-command> set my_wait_key=\$wait_key wait_key=no<enter>\
> <pipe-message>viewhtmlmsg<enter>\
> <enter-command> set wait_key=\$my_wait_key &my_wait_key<enter>\
> " "view HTML in browser"
> macro index,pager <F8> "\
> <enter-command> set my_wait_key=\$wait_key wait_key=no<enter>\
> <pipe-message>viewhtmlmsg -s<enter>\
> <enter-command> set wait_key=\$my_wait_key &my_wait_key<enter>\
> " "view HTML (safe) in browser"
> c

On Sat, Sep 04, 2010 at 02:58:38PM +0200, Andreas Kalex wrote:
> * Charles Jie <ch...@keya.com.tw> wrote on 04.09.2010 at 12:50:
> >
> >     My current practice is bouncing the mail to another user in my linux
> >     box, and launch Thunderbird to get and read it.
> Why don't use a browser to open a html mail?
> I use "v" to see the attachments of the mail, and scroll to the one which has 
> text like this:
> " [text/html, quoted, iso-8859-1, 41K]"  on the right side. Now it depends on 
> the entries in mailcap which program is to open.
> Andreas

On Sat, Sep 04, 2010 at 01:03:52PM +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> I use Firefox instead of Thunderbird. In my .mailcap file I have this
> entry:
>   text/html; links -force-html -dump %s; copiousoutput; print = firefoxurl %s;
> That uses "links" to render html by default.  If that's not good
> enough, I hit "p" in mutt to "print" the html, and that lauches
> firefox using this script:
> ---------------------------------firefoxurl---------------------------------
> #!/bin/bash
> set -x
> MRC="mozilla-xremote-client -a firefox"
> URL="$1"
> if $MRC 'ping()' 2>/dev/null ; then
>   $MRC "openURL($URL,new-tab)"
> else
>   firefox "$URL"
> fi
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I know that's not quite what you're asking for, but maybe it's a start.
> If that's not good enough, then I just launch Thunderbird manually
> (which is set up to use the same IMAP server that mutt is using).

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