Robert Lillack wrote:

> I have  some trouble  here getting  Mutt to  recognize non
> ASCII  characters.   Displaying  them  works  wonderfully,
> other  console  programs work  fine,  too  (bash, vi,  mc,
> irssi, ...).

Thanks to Alain Bench, I now  see that what I wrote was kind
of unclear.

I am *unable* to enter  non ASCII characters like the german
umlauts or the euro sign into Mutt's *internal* editor.

This is  not the "umlauts  show up  as ?"-FAQ. I do  see all
ISO-8859-15 symbols flawlessly, but I cannot enter them.

Hope this is more clear now and somebody is able to help me.

Thanks, Rob.
r o b e r t | l i l l a c k
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