I'm subscribed to several digests of mailing lists that use mime 
"multipart/digest; boundary" (BTW why does this digest not use them?)

When I use v to view the attachments of the digest it displays all mails

    1 RE: What is "ttys1"?        [message/rfc822, 7bit, 1.1K]
    2 |-><no description>         [text/plain, 7bit, 0.8K]
    3 DVD player on linux         [message/rfc822, 7bit, 0.6K]
    4 |-><no description>         [text/plain, 7bit, 0.3K]

I understand that this is because they are rfc encoded, however I'd like
very much to just have all mails displyed once this makes it much easyer
to spot an interesting topic.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks for your help,

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