
After five years of intensive mutt use I finally started using scoring
(especially since applying that wonderful nntp patch ;).

I only have a small problem with the escaping rules and syntax of the
"score" commands in my .muttc:

        folder-hook . unscore
        ## assign a positive score to all messages
        folder-hook . score ~A 10
        ## kill lame posts from mailing lists
        folder-hook =[a-z] score ~s'(newbie\\|(un)?subscribe\\|no\\\ subject\\|your\\\ 
mail)' -10
        folder-hook =[a-z] score ~s'^\\\ *(test\\|(re:\\\ )?help\\|)\\\ *$' -10

1) After trial and error I finally understood that spaces must be escaped
by three (!) backslashes. Is there a better way? I tried using "" but
then mutt complains about "unmatched ( or \"

2) How can I cure the leaning-toothpick syndrome in these recipes?

3) Also I couldn't manage to AND or OR together several pattern matches
in one score argument, mutt complains of "score: too many arguments"

All in all I'd like to better understand how quoting works in the

4) When trying to match folders from my ~/Mail directory starting with a
lowercase alphabetic character, is this the proper way?

        folder-hook =[a-z]

It seems the match is case insensitive, but [:lower:] doesn't work

Thanks in advance for your help, cheers,

> > Now John, let's keep it all in perspective: ALTER TABLE / ADD CONSTRAINT
> > not working isn't going to cost you your job or anything, is it?
> I've taken my dried frog pills and I'm feeling much better :-)
Yeah, aren't they wonderful? I'm worried about the worldwide depletion of the
amphibian populations, though. ;-)

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