Hi, I'm receiving MySQL 5.5 deadlocks.
I enabled the innodb lock monitor using this command: CREATE TABLE innodb_lock_monitor(a int) ENGINE=INNODB; I got the following output: ------------------------ LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK ------------------------ 151007 13:58:36 *** (1) TRANSACTION: TRANSACTION 13F6957A, ACTIVE 10 sec starting index read mysql tables in use 2, locked 2 LOCK WAIT 6 lock struct(s), heap size 1248, 3 row lock(s), undo log entries 2 MySQL thread id 15115, OS thread handle 0x2b1b51a55700, query id 150823016 awsuser Updating update LANCAMENTO set ALTERADO_INTERFACE=1, DATA_CRIACAO='2015-08-28', DATA_FIN_MAT_DISTRIB=null, DATA_LCTO_DISTRIBUIDOR='2015-08-24', DATA_LCTO_PREVISTA='2015-08-24', DATA_REC_DISTRIB='2015-10-23', DATA_REC_PREVISTA='2015-10-23', DATA_STATUS='2015-10-07 11:01:43', ESTUDO_ID=null, EXPEDICAO_ID=641, JURAMENTADO=null, NUMERO_LANCAMENTO=1, NUMERO_REPROGRAMACOES=null, PERIODO_LANCAMENTO_PARCIAL_ID=null, PRODUTO_EDICAO_ID=464, REPARTE=2700, REPARTE_PROMOCIONAL=0, SEQUENCIA_MATRIZ=null, STATUS='EXPEDIDO', TIPO_LANCAMENTO='LANCAMENTO', USUARIO_ID=11 where ID=464 *** (1) WAITING FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED: RECORD LOCKS space id 48034 page no 15 n bits 216 index `PRIMARY` of table `db_00757350`.`lancamento` trx id 13F6957A lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting Record lock, heap no 144 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 24; compact format; info bits 0 0: len 8; hex 80000000000001d0; asc ;; 1: len 6; hex 000013f6933b; asc ;;; 2: len 7; hex 0b00002c6629e2; asc ,f) ;; 3: len 1; hex 81; asc ;; 4: len 3; hex 8fbf1c; asc ;; 5: len 3; hex 8fbf18; asc ;; 6: len 3; hex 8fbf18; asc ;; 7: len 3; hex 8fbf57; asc W;; 8: len 3; hex 8fbf57; asc W;; 9: SQL NULL; 10: len 8; hex 80001253c59ee3d4; asc S ;; 11: len 9; hex 80000000000a8c0000; asc ;; 12: len 9; hex 800000000000000000; asc ;; 13: SQL NULL; 14: len 8; hex 455850454449444f; asc EXPEDIDO;; 15: len 10; hex 4c414e43414d454e544f; asc LANCAMENTO;; 16: len 8; hex 80000000000001d0; asc ;; 17: len 8; hex 8000000000000281; asc ;; 18: len 8; hex 800000000000000b; asc ;; 19: len 4; hex 80000001; asc ;; 20: SQL NULL; 21: SQL NULL; 22: SQL NULL; 23: SQL NULL; Somebody could help me to understand this result? Thanks!