Re: random permission denied issues

2005-10-29 Thread 156 Oud
Hi, I've got the exact same problem than Johannes with MySQL 4.1.14. Like him, i've set a little script [EMAIL PROTECTED]($host,$user$password); while ($i5) { $x=mysql_query($query); if ( $x) { print $i worked!BR; } else { print $i ERROR! .mysql_error().BR; } $i++; }

Very Strange command denied to user errors

2005-10-28 Thread 156 Oud
Hi, I've got a very strange problem with one of my MySQL servers. I've got 2 dedicated servers with MySQL 4.0.21, all is fine there. My new server with MySQL-4.1.14 give me some headakes ! Sometimes i've got errors like UPDATE command denied to user 'MyUser'@'' for table 'MyTable'.