Hello! redhat 2.3 as DBD-mysql-2.9004 perl 5.8.0 MySQL-server-4.1.7-0.i386.rpm from mysql.org
[EMAIL PROTECTED] start]# cat /etc/my.cnf [client] default-character-set=koi8r [mysqld] default-character-set=koi8r [mysql] default-character-set = koi8r From mysql command line all select's work ok, russian character's returned in koi8. But from perl: [EMAIL PROTECTED] start]# cat ./test.pl #!/usr/bin/perl use DBI; my ($dsn) = "DBI:mysql:partn_db:localhost";my ($user_name) = 'test';my ($password) = 'test';my ($dbh, $sth);my (@ary); $dbh = DBI->connect ($dsn, $user_name, $password); $sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT name_rus FROM anket_deti_tbl;"); $sth -> execute(); while (@ary=$sth->fetchrow_array()) { print (join ("::",@ary));} $sth->finish();$dbh->disconnect(); [EMAIL PROTECTED] start]# ./test.pl 123????? [EMAIL PROTECTED] start]# only "????" returned. what's wrong? sorry for my terrible english :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexey A. Wasilyev | GazPriborAvtomatikaService | Web: www.gpas.ru (845-2) 45-85-12 | Chief of IT Department | EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]