Jag har problem med en enkel SELECT DISTINCT, på ett enda fält i en enda
tabell. Har jag missat något mycket grundläggande eller är det en BUG?

mysql> repair table faktura_history;
| Table                      | Op     | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| adzdisplay.faktura_history | repair | status   | OK       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> describe faktura_history;
| Field         | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id            | int(11)       |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| salj_id       | int(11)       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| kund_id       | int(11)       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| summa         | int(11)       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| fritext       | text          | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| fakturerad    | enum('y','n') | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| dagar         | int(11)       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| pris          | int(11)       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| extra_procent | float(10,5)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| updated       | timestamp(14) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| indate        | timestamp(8)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| ovrig         | enum('y','n') | YES  |     | n       |                |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT DISTINCT indate FROM faktura_history;
| indate   |
| 20010515 |
| 20010516 |
| 20010517 |
| 20010521 |
| 20010522 |
| 20010522 |
| 20010522 |
| 20010522 |
| 20010522 |
| 20010530 |
| 20010530 |
| 20010530 |
| 20010530 |
| 20010530 |
| 20010530 |
| 20010530 |
| 20010530 |
| 20010530 |
| 20010530 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010531 |
| 20010601 |
| 20010601 |
| 20010601 |
| 20010601 |
| 20010601 |
| 20010605 |
| 20010605 |
| 20010605 |
| 20010612 |
| 20010612 |
| 20010612 |
| 20010612 |
| 20010612 |
| 20010612 |
| 20010612 |
| 20010613 |
| 20010618 |
| 20010618 |
| 20010618 |
| 20010618 |
| 20010618 |
| 20010618 |
| 20010618 |
| 20010618 |
| 20010618 |
| 20010618 |
| 20010618 |
| 20010618 |
| 20010626 |
| 20010626 |
| 20010626 |
| 20010626 |
| 20010626 |
| 20010626 |
| 20010626 |
| 20010626 |
| 20010626 |
| 20010626 |
| 20010626 |
| 20010626 |
| 20010627 |
| 20010702 |
| 20010702 |
| 20010703 |
| 20010716 |
| 20010719 |
| 20010802 |
| 20010807 |
| 20010809 |
| 20010813 |
| 20010814 |
| 20010814 |
| 20010814 |
| 20010814 |
| 20010814 |
| 20010814 |
| 20010814 |
| 20010814 |
| 20010815 |
| 20010815 |
| 20010815 |
| 20010815 |
| 20010815 |
| 20010907 |
| 20011009 |
| 20011012 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
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| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
| 20011029 |
150 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Känns inte särskilt "DISTINCT". :( Samma sak händer med DISTINCTROW.

Mvh Anders Bjarby, Infomaker Scandinavia AB

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