
        I'm trying to write a select query that grabs two prices from my db and 
displays them on a web page.  I want it to grab the `listprice`, and either the 
`unitprice` or the `specialprice` depending on the following criteria:
if the `specialprice` is not empty,
AND it's less than the `unitprice`,
AND the current date is between the `startingdate` and `endingdate`, 
then pull the `specialprice` otherwise pull the `unitprice`.

        This is the code I've used up until now, and it works, but I need to 
add the date range, as described above:

<?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT priceList, 
LEAST(unitprice,ifnull(specialprice,'9999')) AS used_price FROM catalog WHERE 
printf('<font size="-1"><i>List: $<s>%s</s></i></font><br />', 
printf('<b><font color="#555555">Your Price:</font> $%s</b><br />', 
number_format(mysql_result($result,0,"used_price"),2)); ?>

        This seems rather convoluted to me and I've been struggling with it all 
day.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much!

Name            Type            NULL    Default
startingd       text            Yes     NULL
endingd         text            Yes     NULL
specialprice    tinytext        Yes     NULL
unitprice       tinytext        Yes     NULL

• Date fields are formatted as 1/31/2013 and cannot be changed because the db 
is used by another script that I can't change.
• Field types can be changed if necessary, as long as the date format remains 
the same.

If you need more information, please let me know.

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