Hello everyone,

We're having a problem with replication. The servers are all running 4.0.18 under SuSE 
Linux 9.1 Professional.

I noticed that the two slaves were both showing a status of I/O thread not running.  
In the mysqld.log file for both slaves I found the following entry:

040628 12:59:08 Error reading packet from server: bogus data in log event 
040628 12:59:08 Got fatal error 1236: 'bogus data in log event' from master when 
reading data from binary log
040628 12:59:08 Slave I/O thread exiting, read up to log 'daredevil1-bin.001', 
position 427847536

On the master server, when I run mysqlbinlog on the daredevil1-bin.001 log, I get the 
following error: 
ERROR: Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): 'Event too small', data_len: 0, 
event_type: 0

I've tried using the -f option with mysqlbinlog, but I can't read past this point in 
the log.  However, the master server is running along just fine, writing new info into 
this log file just fine.

Is there any way to get the slaves past this bad record, short of manually resyncing 
everything again?

Thanks for your help!

Bill Earl
Network Admin

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