
We had an outage on our Mysql DB yesterday. Basically the Db was unusable
and we couldn't get a shell onto the host ('could not fork process').

OS: Red Hat Linux Advanced Server release 2.1AS/\m (Pensacola)/2.4.9-
Mysq: Ver 4.0.16-standard for pc-linux on i686
All Db's on host use Myisam tables

Apart from some crazy figures for 'dentunusd', nothing else strange reported
by the sar logging for the period of the outage.

17:00:00    dentunusd   file-sz  %file-sz  inode-sz  super-sz %super-sz
dquot-sz %dquot-sz  rtsig-sz %rtsig-sz
17:01:00    4294967201      1306      5.18      1072         0
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:02:00           64      1331      5.27      1121         0      0.00
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:03:00           94      1347      5.34      1115         0      0.00
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:04:01    4294967186      1016      4.03      1320         0
0      0.00         1      0.10
17:05:01    4294967249       918      3.64      1447         0
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:10:15    4294967229       810      3.21      1445         0
0      0.00         6      0.59
17:15:33    4294967279       794      3.15      1453         0
0      0.00         6      0.59
17:22:02    4294967178       595      2.36      1494         0
0      0.00         1      0.10
17:23:00    4294967194       971      3.85      1188         0
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:24:00    4294967197      1278      5.06       882         0
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:25:00    4294967274      1264      5.01       927         0
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:26:00          308      1230      4.87      1154         0      0.00
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:27:00          314      1254      4.97      1156         0      0.00
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:28:00          448      1230      4.87      1205         0      0.00
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:29:00          451      1249      4.95      1209         0      0.00
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:30:00          466      1204      4.77      1247         0      0.00
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:31:00          476      1248      4.95      1228         0      0.00
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:32:00          488      1284      5.09      1234         0      0.00
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:33:00    4294967222      1286      5.10       920         0
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:34:01    4294967226      1345      5.33       903         0
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:35:01            0      1332      5.28       951         0      0.00
0      0.00         0      0.00
17:36:00          227      1309      5.19      1093         0      0.00
0      0.00         0      0.0

Has anyone ever seen this behaviour before?



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