I currently update MySQL rows using phpMyAdmin.
For example, dropping the following into the
phpMyAdmin GUI:
UPDATE mysql_db SET publish = 1 WHERE Date =
'Sunday, August 15, 2004 21:04:32'
Since I get the update info in an e-mail send
whenever the form is submitted, I'd like to turn
querys like t
I'd like to modify the email send I presently get
from the Perl script when a new record is
submitted from the form to contain an email link
which if I click on it, will update MySQL.
Anybody know how that might best be done and if
so, can you please advise?
Many thanks in advance,
Just to clarify a bit more (perhaps...), I
already have:
use DBI;
$dbh = DBI->connect
"my_id", "my_password",
{PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1});
preceding the
$guestbookreal =
gt; # Reset the connection i.e. disconnect.
> $dbh->disconnect();
> exit;
> sub display {
> # Specify the info we want.
> $stmt1 = "select id, name
>from mytab
>order by id";
> # Prepare the statement.
> $sth = $dbh->prepare($stm
The Perl script I use is currently writing the
form results ($guestbookreal) to an html page
For example,
INSERT INTO `mysql_db` (`Title`, `Email`, `City`,
`State`, `Country`, `URL`, `Date`, `Description`,
`rid`, `dt_create`, `publish` ) VALUES (
Never mind!
I figured it out :-)
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I'm trying to get a fixed entry date using two
DATETIME fields (dt_update, dt_create).
The first DATETIME field (dt_update)
automatically updates each time the record is
modified, the second DATETIME field (dt_create)
I've been able to get it using this:
INSERT INTO `test` SET dt_cre