
I'm new here, so since this is my first question email, I'm looking for an
advice/help a way to do it or a link which can explain me more about my
related question.

This is the thing:

Reciently I've made a backup of a database using INNODB, 1GB database, for
a web based - software (IEM) since, it was too big and there were things
that did not match in any way like: the links, keys, etc.

I've create a new database for this, and uploaded some of the tables from
the backup not all, just some tables to the new database. In a first view,
I thought that everything was working fine; but in a second view, I've
noticed some problems:

This is an example to understand better the problem:

*Conctact list A ---------------------- 90 email address -----------------
add, view, edit, delete*
*If I press view or add, it says:*
*Contact list A has 200 emails*
This is a problem, because since it does not show me the real data, when I
send emails, it does not send to all of the emails in the list. I am not
sure why is this happening, that's why I need to know if someone of you can
explain me more or tell me how to fix it.

I don't know if this is related but I will mention:

Since, in the backup, the email_list (table) does not start with ID1, it
starts with ID12 (example) and the second one is ID27 (example) they not
follow the ID number. this is not a problem for me anyway, I just want to
mention it because I don't know if that could be part of the problem.

To understand more here is a sample of the problem:

* List Name              Created   Contacts   List Owner   Archive    Action
*       List-Name-One        02 Aug 2010       59    Communi-Clé Santé
    View Contacts  Add Contact  Edit  Copy  Delete*

And when I click on "View Contacts" it shows the following thing:

*You have 90 contacts in your mailing list. They are shown below.*
And actually, if you wonder, I count it, and there are 90 contacts on the

Any help would be appreciated.

Best regards,

Carlos Sura.-

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