Hi all,

I am having a big performance performance problem here, and I was wondering if 
you could give me some advise here.

I have 2 big static tables, one with 65K rows, the other with 54K rows.
I need to do a calculation for each combination of these two table

So what I did was to create a view like so:


    `c`.`TRACT` AS `TRACT`,

    `c`.`LNG` AS `tlng`,

    `c`.`LAT` AS `tlat`,

    `p`.`NAME` AS `name`,

    `p`.`LNG` AS `lng`,

    `p`.`LAT` AS `lat`,

    `Calc_Distance`(`c`.`LAT`,`c`.`LNG`,`p`.`LAT`,`p`.`LNG`) AS `distance` 


    (`tracts` `c` join `parks` `p`);

This give me a view with more than 3,500,000,000  rows !

Now, the second part of this exercise is to grab only a set or rows, where the 
distance is less than 50.

So, I thought I would create another view like so:


    `t`.`TRACT` AS `TRACT`,

    `t`.`tlng` AS `tlng`,

    `t`.`tlat` AS `tlat`,

    `t`.`name` AS `name`,

    `t`.`lng` AS `lng`,

    `t`.`lat` AS `lat`,

    `t`.`distance` AS `distance` 


    `tractparkdistance` `t` 


    (`t`.`distance` < 50);

tractparkdisctance is the name of the view.

But opening this view takes 'a lot of time' !  I just couldn't wait for it.

So, I though I would try to export this to an external file via
SELECT INTO, and re-import the resulting file back to a new table.

So I did like so:

select *

into outfile "park_distances"

from tractparkdistance

where distance < 50;

Running this statement took more than 12 hours, and still counting
until I killed the process. So far it has produced an 800 MB file.

Moreover, I still need to do a Mean calculation from that 'limited' set of 
data, and still do more calculations.

Next try, I using INSERT INTO SELECT like this:

insert into park_distance_radius50s(tract,tlng,tlat,name,lng,lat,distance)
select tract,tlng,tlat,name,lng,lat,distance
from tractparkdistance
where distance < 50

This was running a very long time as well.

I think I'm out of my depth here.  Anybody has any idea on this ?

Thanks very much in advance !



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