Hello -

You may wish to try something a little bit more fundamental if you are new
to the Java thing.
one good way to learn how everything works in JSP is to use a free Java
Server, such as Tomcat, and build pages using Macromedia's ultradev
software. There is an extension that installs JDBC-ODBC connectivity through
ultradev. Follow the instructions for installing Tomcat, Ultradev, and the
extension and then it is relatively easy to make a connection to a database
with JSP code (in fact, Ultradev makes it similar to other models, such as
ASP, CFML and PHP (via the phAKT extension). Once you create a connection,
you can dissect the code and correspond the lines of code to how it makes a
database connection (in fact, I use it to cross compare making a database
connection through mySQL-PHP, mySQL-ASP, and mySQL-CFML as well)...they all
essentially do the same fundamental tasks with very similar looking lines of

I realize you installed JRun, but from personal experience, its not that
easy (its doable, but you might want to learn from something that you
recognize, i.e from your PHP background)

hope that helps...

Edward Apostol
developer, instructor - E-Commerce, New Media & Wireless
@ Ryerson University
Toronto, ON Canada
alt e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel: (416) 820-3533

-----Original Message-----
From: Benj Arriola [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: October 29, 2001 10:56 AM
Subject: JSP newbie needs to run MySQL-JDBC.

Hello Everyone,

I need to run MySQL using JSP.

I am a JSP newbie, actually a Java newbie too. I am more of a PHP/MySQL

I have successfully installed Allaire JRun 3.0 on Win98 using PWS.

JRun has an application management console and I cannot seem to run

I am totally unfamiliar with how JRun, JDBC and MM.MySQL runs and the
error message I get is:

        The following error occurred while testing the data source
        Communication link failure: java.io.EOFException

I will enumerate everything I have done to see where I have gone wrong:

1. I am on a LAN and my IP address is So on PWS, my
localhost is basically Everything is working fine with PWS
and could use it with PHP and MySQL, thus I know MySQL is working fine

2. I installed Allaire JRun and everything is working fine with regards
to running JSP pages.

3. I have read in the book, core JSP, that there are some JSP engines
that doesn't use the classpath and uses it's own classpath, thus I added
this on the Java Settings of the Default Server under Classpath. Prior
to this, copied the org directory of the extracted files in
mm.mysql- to c:\progra~1\mm.sql in the Windows 98
directory structure. So my classpaths in JRun looks like this:


Where all Jrun files are at c:\progra~1\allaire\jrun

I got mm.mysql- from SourceForge.com as my MySQL JDBC

4. After doing this, I went to the JDBC Data Sources of the Default
Server of JRun Application Management Console. And I added a new entry
with the following:

    Name: MySQL
    Display Name: MySQL
    Driver: org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
    Description: Studios USA database
    Pooling: Yes
    Timeout: 30 Minutes
    Interval: 30 Seconds
    Username: root
    Password: axnolnms
    Vendor Argument: <blank, I placed nothing.>

Btw, before doing this, I already created a database named studiosusa
and the username and password to my MySQL is root and axnolnms.

5. I started running the MySQL engine whose version is 3.22.21.

6. I clicked on the "Test" button on Allaire JRun's JDBC settings and
that's when I got the error:

        The following error occurred while testing the data source
        Communication link failure: java.io.EOFException

Now, where did I go wrong? And how do I run MySQL on the JSP engine
Allaire JRun 3.0?

I don't know if this is a MM.MySQL problem.

Benj Arriola
+63 (917)-831-8345

Action Online Co. Ltd.
+63 (2)-417-3629
+63 (2)-417-5107

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